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Afterlife Adventure

These are Flesh and Blood safaris, also F&B safaris.

E.J. Gold started taking groups of people for these Afterlife Adventures in Fall 2006. This is not online, but in the Flesh and Blood reality you know.

It has been for many a life changing experience. It helps to have high attention, good sensing and to have some experience of the basics in online training safaris, for example how to move in a PoG. If you don't know what a PoG is and find yourself wondering, it might be time to find out by personal experience personally experienced.

What some folks have said about their Afterlife Adventure:

Lee: "My experience was not in the realm of daily language so I find it difficult to talk about but I got very highly energized and I noticed that my new energy had a lot of clarity to it. I was really grateful for the training we got before going into the gaming spaces. I felt so supported!"

Dave: "This was something far beyond anything I thought I would experience in this work!"

Oz: "This is one of the most valuable experiences I have had with E.J. and I work with him regularly."

JJ: "I believe that the voyage through the Afterlife Adventure with E.J. has a real transformative effect. I truly hope that anyone who wants this experience has a chance to have it. It is fun and it is serious. It was a glowing, growing opportunity that I am very grateful to have experienced."

Ricardo: "The work we did at the Afterlife Adventure has been extremely helpful both in my personal work and my work with the group. I feel like this is like a 10 year short cut for my personal work.I am very grateful."

Grant: "Tremendous growth experience."

Doug: "The group dynamic was beyond anything I have experienced."

Jaz: "The extra mission was off the hook, it was like an acid trip."

Tom S. "Best experience of a different dimension."
James: "Good fun. Was extraordinary and familiar all at the same time. Some of this stuff I have been doing for years. This was the first time I had the opportunity to experience it with a group."

Jim D.: "Precious and dangerous -- you know, like boogey man danger." "It was shocking to see how long E.J. has been working toward making this adventure available. I can see the threads stretching back 30 years, all leading up to this moment."

Tom D.: "Glad to see how group work in Diablo has come to fruition."

Glen: "Finally after experiencing an Afterlife Adventure with E.J. one on one face to face in the Bardo NOW I understand what he has been trying to tell me all these years."

Lily: "A tremendous intensity of the experience .... A powerful and full felt strongly connectedness for weeks afterward to the space. I find that I am still able to project myself back into that incredibly exciting and electric space. I feel that I was able to establish a Beachhead and am able to access it. I am really glad I went and would like to go again. I got much more than my moneys worth! I was amazed at the amount of energy I came back with. It's like something was unlocked."