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Home About Us Resources Contact Search IDHHB, Inc. EJ Gold
"Enlightenment is just the beginning, later on come other skills, ...patience, a forgiving nature, extreme attention...." E.J. Gold

Many next steps

If you are interested in investigating the path of this school deeper, here are some suggested materials, courses and activities.

Basic reading

The American Book of the Dead, ABD,
The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational Apparatus, HBM
Joy of Sacrifice
Life in the Labyrinth
Practical Work on Self
Lost Works
The Hidden Work

These books are available at

You could do any or all of the steps or choices below, not necessarily in the order described. In fact, you may never do all of them. Some of them are methods you do alone, some involve others. Pick the one which suits you or you feel most called to.

Click on some of the choices below for your next step:

- Come to a workshop at IDHHB Offers include, but are not limited to:

  • Band Practice - FREE
  • Spiritual Trigger Safaris
  • Inner Circle Workshops
  • Weekend workshops
  • Convention
  • House Concerts
  • Pattie show - LRS - FREE
  • Martial Energetics - FREE
  • Art Classes at Ben Franklin
  • Bardo Safaris
  • Zen Flute Classes
  • Guitar Classes
  • OoBE - with Kelly FREE
  • Lily Show - FREE
  • Interviews - FREE,

  • - Parallel World Exploration - Beaconwork
    - Do the online Labyrinth Reader's course and make reading your practice
    - Start doing the Movements or practice Erotic Spirit Dance, ESD
    - Practice Bluelining
    - Practice Zen Basics
    - Practice The Popcorn Exercise
    - Get a group together and use either: The Any Game Cookbook or Just Because Club books.
    - Attend the online course: PWOS
    - Start doing online Bardo Safaris
    - (Re)mote bardo safaris
    Mote reading circles
    - Start doing Art using the Draw Good Now: Book and/or DVD's
    - Start doing Art using the You Can Paint series
    - Watch the recommended movies
    - Listen to the top 10 talks
    - Listen to some of the music

    Exercise due diligence in the process of investigation.

    You can start: Pick one of these suitable for daily practice and do it daily for at least 1 year, preferably the same time of day, even if it is only for 5 minutes.

    If for some reason non of the offerings listed are accessible to you at this time, commit to a daily spiritual practice of your choice for at least 1 year, even if only for a couple of minutes per day (you may try to start with 1 month, 3 months or 6 months).
    (Re)Moting: accessible every day practice in the midst of your ordinary life, a service free of charge and an amazing tool for awakening

    No matter what, keeping a journal throughout this process can be your best friend and record.

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